Pasos para cobrar por negocio de grabado láser
Si tiene una fuente constante de negocios, puede proyectar el precio adecuado según el material y el tamaño del artículo grabado. Aquí hay 5 formas de ayudarlo a saber el costo correcto para cobrar:

Multiplique el costo de grabar un artículo en blanco por 5 o 6.

Precio por pulgada cuadrada.

Cobrar por minuto

Cargo por cada carácter grabado.

Precios basados en cargos de diseño de grabado.
Lo que debemos saber antes de iniciar un negocio de grabado láser
Comprender los costos
Comprender sus costos es una de las consideraciones más importantes para determinar cuánto cobrar. También es la única forma de probar si somos rentables en una etapa posterior. Comenzar un negocio de grabado láser en sí mismo es un proceso relativamente económico. Pero tenemos que incluir en el precio el tiempo de grabado, el costo de la máquina, el costo de los materiales, la electricidad, etc. Si tiene una baja frecuencia de uso de la máquina de grabado láser, entonces comprar un mejor grabador láser para pequeñas empresas no dudará del significado.
Los costos de materiales
Si el cliente trae sus propios materiales, puede ignorar esta parte. Si el cliente no trae sus propios materiales, el costo de los materiales también es un factor importante que debemos considerar. El costo de los diferentes materiales también varía mucho. Por lo tanto, debe considerar el material que se utilizará para el proyecto y aumentar su costo en consecuencia. Algunos ejemplos de materiales para tallar son
- Tabla de madera (5,9 x 3,9 x 0,07 pulgadas) = $6,50
- Cuero = $10-$12
- Aluminio (24 x 36 pulgadas) = $35
- Granito = $10-50
- Latón = $2.25
Comenzar un negocio de grabado láser se puede hacer en varios materiales, según el trabajo. El precio de costo de cada material es un costo variable. Por lo tanto, es mejor evaluar cada línea de productos antes de presentarla. Si adquiere materias primas a granel, determine cuánto cuesta cada materia prima por unidad.
Luego considere un factor que a menudo se pasa por alto: el tiempo que dedica a fabricar su producto. Aunque este es un hueso duro de roer, es vital tenerlo en cuenta. Considere esto: ¿cuál es un salario por hora aceptable para las ganancias del negocio de grabado láser?
Cálculo de las ganancias del negocio de grabado láser
Una vez que se han abordado las preguntas anteriores, nuestro siguiente paso es calcular la ganancia. Margen de beneficio = (precio de venta – costo)/costo. Podemos ajustar el precio según el beneficio que queramos calculando el margen de beneficio. Vale la pena mencionar que tenemos que considerar tanto la pérdida como la ganancia. Si hay días en el mes en que no ha habido negocios, necesitamos calcular el punto de equilibrio. De esta manera, puede evitar perder dinero y mantener estables las ganancias de su negocio de grabado láser.
Is the laser engraving business profitable?
After calculating the profit, we almost know whether the laser engraving business is profitable or not. However, the above calculations are done in an ideal state. So we can’t estimate our profitability 100%. But the simple answer is yes. Because there are already many successful engraving manufacturers who have already made their first bucket of money in the engraving business. But …..
Just because someone else is successful with a laser engraving business does not mean you will be. To be successful, you must devote a significant amount of time and attention to marketing and product differentiation. Most people who try to sell their things online fail without some fundamental marketing abilities. However, if you master the marketing aspect, sales will begin to flow. We’ll go over this in further detail later, but first, let’s address some frequently asked topics.
Know your customers
To get to know your customers, you’ll need to undertake market research. Market research is usually easier for established businesses because they may poll their existing clients or launch a new sponsorship campaign. However, since your laser engraving business is still in its infancy. You most likely don’t have a ready-made case study to employ in your research. As a result, you’ll need to be more inventive in your study.
The most crucial thing you need to know about your consumers is how much money they’re willing to spend on your laser engraving services.
Know your competition
Put yourself in the shoes of your customer. Wouldn’t you want to evaluate various possibilities if you went to Etsy to buy etched laser items? Wouldn’t it be great if you could obtain the best deal without sacrificing quality? That is precisely what your clients will do. That’s why, for the same goods, we can’t get away from the market pricing.
Charge less than the competition
This is usually the most straightforward method of defeating the opposition. The trick is to use lower prices to steal customers from your competitors. The biggest disadvantage of this pricing plan has a lower profit margin. As a result, you should only utilize this strategy if you’ve carefully considered your operating costs and are confident that a reduced selling price will not jeopardize your laser engraving business.
Charging morethan the competition
You are charging more than the competition is also a viable pricing strategy. However, important factors will determine whether or not you can take this step. First, determine if your product is unique. If your product is amazing, this is undoubtedly a better way. If your product is better and more memorable than others, raising prices will not impact profitability.
What it takes to start a laser engraving business

1. Laser engraving machine
This is a laser engraving machine that everyone knows. If we want to carry out a laser engraving business, we first need to have a laser engraving machine. Of course, choosing a suitable laser engraving machine is also very important according to the material of our main engraved products. Suppose the engraving of plastic, acrylic, leather, greeting cards, and other non-metallic materials are more.
Then you can choose to buy a CO2 laser engraving machine. If engraving brass, aluminum, stainless steel and other metal materials. Then you can choose a fiber laser engraving machine. You can consult with the laser engraving machine seller. Choose a laser engraving machine that best suits your needs. It’s also good to look for a supplier who offers tutorials, especially if you’re new to the industry.

2. Laptop
Must connect the business card laser engraver to a computer through which you will then operate the artwork. Generally, the business card laser engraver is equipped with EzCad2 software compatible with Windows XP, 7, 8, and 10. It can engrave images from AutoCAD, CorelDraw, Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, etc. So we need to have a basic computer. It should have at least the minimum specifications of a well-running photo editing software such as Photoshop. It does not have to be a new computer – as long as it is working correctly and meets the minimum requirements above. Computer specifications are as follows:
- Processors: Intel Core 2 or AMD Athlon 64 (at least 2GHz)
- Microsoft Windows 7 or higher – A minimum of 2 GB of RAM, while 8 GB would be ideal
- Monitor with a resolution of 1024 x 78 pixels and a color depth of 16 bits or more
- A minimum of 2.6 GB of free storage space
In conclusion
In conclusion, starting a profitable home laser engraving business is extremely possible. However, if you approach it with the expectation of becoming wealthy quickly, you will be sorely disappointed. To expand your business, you’ll have to put in more effort. As a result, if we are prepared to work hard and learn, we should have no trouble producing a profit with a laser engraving business.