Category Archives: News

Laser Cleaning: Revolutionizing the Removal of Galvanization from Steel


Introduction Steel is undoubtedly one of the most versatile and durable materials in the world, which is why it is widely used in both manufacturing and construction sectors. However, to further extend its life and enhance its corrosion resistance, steel is coated with a layer of zinc to protect it from damage caused by rust. …

Marking Complex Surfaces is Difficult? 3D Laser Marking Machine Can Achieve


What is 3D Laser Marking? 3D laser marking is a method of processing laser surface depressions. It uses light energy to cause chemical and physical changes in the surface material to “engrave” traces or burns. The purpose is to display graphics and text by utilizing the light energy to burn part of the material. 3D …

CO2 Laser Cutting Machine


CO2 laser cutting machine is a device that uses CO2 laser as a cutting tool. It has been widely used in many fields such as advertisement, construction, automotive, electronics, medical, cloth, and other industries. This article will introduce the principle, advantages, and application industries of CO2 laser cutting machine.   Principle of CO2 laser cutting …

Mini tragbare 1,5 Watt UV-Laserbeschriftungsmaschine

Laser Cutting Machine

Das Laserschneiden ist eine neue Art von Schneid- und Fertigungstechnologie. Es nutzt Faseroptik- oder CO 2 -Laserschneiden, um Materialien für eine Vielzahl von industriellen Fertigungsanwendungen zu gravieren. Das Laserschneiden ist vielseitig, und das 3D-Laserschneiden ist noch vielseitiger. Normalerweise können Laser zum Schneiden, Bohren, Gravieren und Schweißen einer breiten Palette von Materialien in vielen Konfigurationen verwendet …

The Latest Application of Laser Cutting Machine – 3D Relief


Laser cutting is a new type of cutting and manufacturing technology. It uses fiber optic or CO 2 laser cutting to engrave materials for a variety of industrial manufacturing applications. Laser cutting is versatile, and 3D laser cutting is even more so. Typically, lasers can be used to cut, drill, engrave and weld a wide …